Friday, October 3, 2008


Now that we have the luxury and convenience of wikipedia, we can't stop finding a way to define ourselves.

"Words are just words" they say. Following up to the ripples of our social mutiny - "there is no right and we are not wrong", up come this new mean of re-defining our already redefinitions. 

Wordia - allows you to think up a word that has special meaning to you - and then reinterpret that special meaning via a video recording, into a word that is more special than before. Yeay.

I am pretty entertained and amused, by the capacity of the funny mammal specie called "us", constantly and more recently prolifically trying to jump in to galactic universe, like we have a serious big part in the big bang somewhat, somehow, somewhere and someday. Of course, not that I am against the beauty to this engulfment of social content, it is just intriguing enough to see how in awe one can be (with themselves) that by changing a single note in a song or paraphrasing a known statement, makes them feel like they have invented originality and that they are here for a reason. 

So back to Wordia. What does one think of the word...... Poodle


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